About Me

Hi there! I am Sari, the runner of this blog, I am a 20 year old based in London, I love reading and talking about books ❤

I have had this blog for quite a few years, so I will ask you to forgive any old and horrendously cringe posts I have up, I have been blogging on and off for a while, and I took a break for my mental health, but I love posting when I am reading things I love, and also things I hate, and sharing my opinions and discussing them with anyone who will listen!

I love reading just about anything, but my main fave is fantasy, though I also love reading fiction, romance, biographies, horror, and poetry… so pretty much anything good, I will enjoy. I hope that you enjoy joining me as I rant and rave about books, and would love for you to stick around ❤

You can also find me on my YouTube channel, follow me on Instagram, and you can also add me on Goodreads to see what I am up to in real time! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my little blog- I hope you enjoy!

Asian Book Bloggers Directory (shutupshealea.com)
Professional Reader